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Reinforced Concrete Column Design (solid section)


This example demonstrates how to design a column with an arbitrary cross-section defined by the user. The model is a simple one-member column, loaded with an axial load and moment; the column has the following cross-section:

The example shows how to –

  • create the section in the CROSEC section generator.
  • copy the section to STRAP.
  • arrange the column reinforcement temple (corner bars and groups) in the concrete design module.

The section will be imported into the program from a DXF file. Please download the file from the following link – Section.dxf

Geometry Definition

  • click the new model icon.
  • select Space Frame and click .
  • rotate the model to the X1-X3 plane:
    • click the Dynamic rotate icon.
    • click the X-1 X-3 plane button.
    • click end.
  • click in the side menu and define the following two nodes:
    • X1=0 ; X2=0 ; X3=0
    • X1=0 ; X2=0 ; X3=5
  • click and define a beam connecting the two nodes.
  • click and define the following supports at the two nodes:
    • Bottom node:
    • Top node: restrain the node against horizontal movement and allow vertical deflection: select and –

The defined geometry is displayed as:

The section is defined in the CROSEC section generator program:

select File in the menu bar and Section generator in the menu:

There are three ways to define a section in CROSEC:

  • define the lines.
  • select a standard section from the library.
  • import a DXF format file. This option will be used.

We will use the third option.

If you have not downloaded the DXF file as explained at the beginning of this example, please do so now.

  • select File in the menu bar and Import DXF file in the menu (or click in the icon bar):

  • select the DXF file (in the folder where you saved the file) and click open.
  • Select the layers to import:

  • to display the section properties, select output and display properties

  • copy the section to the computer’s “clipboard”. Select output and Copy to clipboard.

  • select File in the menu bar and Exit in the menu
  • click and then select in the side menu.
  • click and highlight the first row in the table (“- Not used -“) and click define/revise.
  • select the paste button .
  • check the section orientation and material:

  • click to display the rendered drawing:

Loads Definition

Define dead and live service loads in separate load cases:

  • click at the top of the screen.

Define joint loads at the top of the column:

  • click in the side menu and enter a title.
  • click in the lower side menu and in the upper side menu, then define the following axial load and moment:

  • click .
  • click to solve the model.

Reinforced Concrete Design

  • click the tab
  • click
  • click
  • click and specify X3 as the ‘Height axis”. The program will automatically create columns for all members parallel to this axis.
    • specify various design parameters – design code, concrete type, reinforcement grade, cover, etc.

To arrange the reinforcement template for the solid section:

  • click
  • click Edit STRAP solid section.
  • The program displays the default reinforcement arrangement:
    • a “corner bar” at every perimeter corner
    • a reinforcement line between every pair of adjacent corner bars:

  • The following changes will be made:
    • lines 8 to 15 will be deleted as the corner bars along the arc are sufficient.
    • the following symmetric line pairs will be specified as identical: 7-16, 3-5 and 2-6.
  • click Delete lines: highlight line 8 and click the mouse. Repeat for line 9 to 15
  • click Assign lines to group:click on line 7 and then on line 16; line 16 is renumbered “7”.Repeat for lines 3-5 and 2-6.

When completed the section should appear as:

  • click OK.
  • click End.
  • click in the side menu; the column result summary is displayed.
  • to display the detailed results, right-click on the column:

  • select Design combination only. The detailed results are displayed –

  • Finally, you may modify the diameter or quantity of bars in any reinforcement group:

select the column. The program displays the following screen:


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